I am clean. I am wearing clean clothes. I will not hear beeping in the middle of the night and we won't be woken at 7 AM by surgical rounds. Thank you Pittsburgh for your hospitality and your new hospital is beautiful. You have hired some of the best nurses in the world and even your food is pretty good but oh am I happy to be out of there!
We were discharged this morning and we are in Maryland visiting family. Rachael is happy and back to her normal feisty self and oh, did I mention... I'M CLEAN!!
This experience has brought so many things about what we are fighting home for me. It has solidified my resolve to advocate for my children. It has given me a renewed appreciation for my support team. And I am so glad it is over. I am going to take a few days off from blogging to focus on family but another thank you is in order first.
Dean, thank you. You are the most amazing brother ever and I hope Rachael grows up and marries someone just like you. I'm sorry I tickled you to near death when we were kids and threw rocks at you and even occasionally tried to poison you. I will take this experience and teach my children how important it is for them to love one another because you never know when one might be called to save the other. I really don't think I could have handled this week without you. I know you say I could have but it is the strength that you gave me that allowed me to be in a place emotionally where you could overestimate me. I love you.
The Charlie Calendar Lives On!
4 weeks ago
I'm glad for you all. Get some rest, Mama.
ReplyDeleteI am so glad that y'all are out of there! :0) I thank the Lord for you (the best mom ever for Rachael) and for your brother (the best brother ever for you!). God is so good!
Ummm...I missing you. Just so you know. I miss the blog. I know you're busy I'm just hoping that it is all going well.
Well I can't let this post go without a comment from me but I am without words. I think that there is a long list of people that would have been happy to do what I did for you, and there are probably a few people that are jealous that they were unable to. That being said, It was a joy to me to be able to be there for you when you and Rachael needed me. I am grateful for the time we could spend together during her naps and between doctors poking and prodding. I am even more grateful for the time I was able to spend with Rachael. Hearing her call that teddy bear "Cute as a pickle" was one of the most precious things I've heard in a long time. Listening to her sound out the words of that entire sentence and realizing what she just did was outstanding. I love you both so much and I look forward to spending more time with you and your entire family as soon as possible.
I guess I found some words ;-)